About the journal
Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje = Journal of Innovative Business and Management (MIP=JIBM) was launched in 2009 by DOBA Business School Maribor. The MIP=JIBM is open-access journal and platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas of teachers, academics, researchers, students and other professionals who are in one way or another connected with the DOBA Business School. The MIP=JIBM is intended for social scientists, economists, professional public in the field of business and social sciences, researchers, students and academics and teaching staff - in fact all those who need modern information and innovative ideas in the field of international business management, management, organization, marketing, communication and other soft skills and modern forms of business education.
Aims and scope
The Journal of Innovative Business and Management aims to be an academics 'and practitioners' forum in the following areas:
- economic sciences: business economics, economic growth and development, economic policy, financial economics, international cconomics, labor economics, public economics, social economics, sustainable economics, taxation;
- business sciences: accounting, banking and finance, management, strategic management, entrepreneurship, ethics in business, human resource management, innovation management, unternationalization, tourism management, change management, public relations, strategic communication, corporate social responsibility, marketing, services management, product development management, project management, public administration;
- education sciences: education management, education technologies, education innovation, research in education.
Apart from these areas, other interesting articles and contributions offering new perspectives and solutions relevant to economics, management, social and human sciences and business practice are welcome and will be considered for publication in the journal.
When publishing original scientific articles, professional articles and reviews, we will also be happy to publish case studies, book presentations or answers to posted articles. We will also be happy to publish case studies, presentations of books or answers to published articles. In particular, we invite DOBA Business School students to work with their mentors in their final tasks and to offer the results of research from them for publication. The MIP/JIBM attaches special importance to publishing the professional achievements of our colleagues who focus on studies and presentations in pedagogical innovations and best practices in this field. In addition, we are striving to make the articles published in the magazine best illustrated all the activities of our school and present the achievements our teachers, students and colleagues from other higher education, business or non-governmental organizations.
Peer review
All articles are double blind reviewed. Internationally renowned experts from the academic, research and business world are involved in the process of anonymous double blind reviews mostly as a members of the advisory international editorial board. The purpose of this is not to make it impossible for publishers to possibly not fulfill the missions of the MIP=JIBM, but to offer authors an opportunity to improve their texts using anonymous reviews in accordance with the best academic and research standards. This is an established academic practice that has helped many, especially younger authors, to find recognition through their contributions to the academic community. The reviewers are not institutionally affiliated with the author of the article submitted for publication. Peer reviews are not paid for.
Article processing charges
There are no article processing and submission charges for this journal.
Copyright and licensing
This journal is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The authors retain rights under the CC BY-SA 4.0. Authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to MIP=JIBM. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course MIP=JIBM, to the widest possible readership in electronic format. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.
Publication frequency and archivation
The journal is issued semi-annually in June and November. Archiving individual journal numbers takes place in the COBISS.SI and Digital Library of Slovenia (dLib.si). The Journal is also part of PKP system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for journal content.
Sources of Support
Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje = Journal of Innovative Business and Management is financially supported by the ARIS Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.