Public Perception on Reputation and Its Influence on Decision Making
Reputation is an important part of everyday life of people, businesses, and other organizations. Reputation is like a bunch of thoughts in ones’ mind that drives people’s decision-making as an auto-pilot. There are many methods applied to define reputation level for companies all over the world, such as ”World Most Admired Companies” of Fortune magazine, Financial Times “World’s the Most Respected Companies”, “Britain’s Most Admired Companies” from Management Today, or ”Asia’s Most Admired Companies” from Asian Business.
This paper aims to discuss on the measurement of reputation which could stem by the public opinion. To do so, the analysis reports on a national survey which measures 5 variables of public opinion perception on Albanian companies. Each company provided by the respondents, is calculated a value which leads to define the reputation level of the total market. The whole list gives space to do sectorial analysis, too.
This paper will particularly discuss the sector of shopping centres. Drawing on calculated values for each of shopping centres, perceptual maps are designed that can be of great help for investors to decide about the most appropriate shopping centre they should invest their new retail project. Furthermore, these perceptual maps can also be designed by combining variables that are related with employment and success that will help job-seekers to compare different options in the job market.
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