Assessment of sales behavior types from the customer´ s point of view in the context of interpersonal characteristics
The main goal of the study is to asssess 4 types of selling behavior of sellers from the viewpoint of customer (gender differences and differences in thecontext of place of residence). Theresearchsampleconsisted of 203 respondents (62 % of women and 38% of men) aged 17 to 45 years (mean= 23.458, standard deviation= 3.482), 64% of participantsliving in the city and 36% of participants in thecountryside. The research study used the DOS-Z methodology by Kovaľová and Birknerová (2018) designed to assess the four determinants of sales behavior of traders from the perspective of customers. Using an abridged version of the IAS (Interpersonal Adjective Scales) methodology by Wiggins (1991), the level of interpersonal relations. Statistically significant gender differences were found in the assessment of stressful sales behavior, with women judging the type of sales behavior as more stressful.
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