The purchasing behavior of the customer of an innovative product and the challenges of adapting sales activities
Paper describes the challenges faced by many innovative companies trying to successfully launch new products on the market. According to existing research, which confirms that a large proportion of newly launched products fail commercially, in addition to the basic characteristics of the new product, the purpose of the thesis is to explore how the organisation can successfully contribute to product success mainly through sales activities or more precisely the sales staff who makes the first contact with customers. Their task is even more complex with more innovative products, as this type of sales is different from the usual, and at the same time requires a good understanding of how customers behave and how they think. The sales staff of Slovenian companies has credible experience in this area, and in the conducted research, they gave their views, opinions and experiences on the way of selling innovative products and how it differs from the sale of products that are already known on the market.
A more detailed description of the specifics and challenges of selling an innovative product can be effective for sales staff. It can serve as an explanation of a specific behaviour of customers that they face daily in their work, and as a guide to developing additional sales skills that best contribute to better commercialisation or successful sales of an innovative product.
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