Understanding autism in society and its reflection in the life of an individual with autism
In the article, we present the historical development, diagnosis of autism, various causes believed to contribute to autism, and the evolving understanding of autism throughout history. The characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are described, as well as the significance and role of non-governmental organizations. Individuals with ASD exhibit various behavior patterns, notably social deficits, repetitive behaviors, and resistance to change. People with ASD are often stigmatized and marginalized in society; the majority are unemployed and depend on others or institutions throughout their lives. We acknowledge that autism presents both challenges and positive aspects, but we observe that media and the general public frequently highlight only the negative aspects of this disorder. In the article, we aim to encourage a cessation of negative stereotypes directed towards individuals with autism. The empirical part of the article presents the results of interviews with families with autistic children and the findings of a survey on awareness of autism in society. The results indicate that the majority of respondents are familiar with the concept and symptoms of autism, but they still hold misconceptions about individuals with autistic disorders, emphasizing the need for further awareness about autism.
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