Entry of a Slovenian product into the Croatian market: an example of the Hair Food Oil Elixir product
This article examines the expansion of the Hair Food Oil Elixir product of the Slovenian company Méra Collection to the Croatian market. Slovenian company Méra Collection introduced its product Hair Food Oil Elixir, which was an instant sales success upon its release in November 2021. The product also received the prestigious title of the best hair care product from Cosmopolitan magazine. It is an innovative product composed of five specially selected hair oils, providing nourishing care and a pleasant scent. Users have expressed great satisfaction with the product, suitable for both deep treatment and daily use, while also protecting hair from chlorinated water and salt. The strategy for entering the Croatian market focuses on indirect export, involving a local intermediary in the international exchange process. This allows the company to mitigate risks, reduce costs, and maintain its existing marketing strategy. However, it also presents challenges such as additional costs and a lack of control over the marketing landscape.
In adapting the product for the Croatian market, key aspects include localizing packaging and product information in Croatian. Distribution would target major distribution centers like Zagreb, with an increased emphasis on online sales. Promotional activities would target larger shopping centers, online platforms, and social media, with collaboration with local influencers and media playing a crucial role.
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