Driving sustainability in Indonesia: the importance of corporate citizenship in realizing sustainable development goals

Keywords: corporate citizenship, sustainable development goals, sustainability, SDGs 2030


Purpose of the article – Corporate Citizenship (CC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are two interrelated and essential concepts to achieve sustainable development by 2030. This topic is particularly interesting and relevant today, where companies are expected to pursue profits and contribute to social and environmental well-being. This study aims to describe the implementation practices of corporate citizenship in supporting the achievement of the Sustainability Development Goals of companies in Indonesia.

Research methodology – The research method used is a literature review of journals/articles relevant to the topic.

Findings – This study emphasizes the significance of adopting corporate citizenship to aid in accomplishing Indonesia's Sustainable Development Goals. Corporate citizenship significantly impacts employees, business performance, and sustainability.

Practical implications – The study recommends incorporating CC principles into business strategies and working with stakeholders to speed up the achievement of the SDGs, bolstered by government policies that endorse CC practices. Companies in Indonesia need to participate in CC to achieve the SDGs and create a more sustainable future.

Originality/Value – Exemplary CC implementation has been proven to help various SDGs goals, such as poverty alleviation, improving the quality of education, health, welfare, and action on climate change. The company views the CC program as a strategic investment that positively affects society and the environment while offering benefits like enhanced business performance and improved reputation.


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How to Cite
Hakim, A. R., & Asfiah, N. (2024). Driving sustainability in Indonesia: the importance of corporate citizenship in realizing sustainable development goals. Mednarodno Inovativno Poslovanje = Journal of Innovative Business and Management, 16(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.32015/JIBM.2024.16.2.2
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