The Internet as a tool for the development of modern society
The Internet is a global network that enables communication, information exchange, and access to numerous resources. It consists of billions of interconnected devices, allowing real-time data transmission. The emergence and rapid growth of Internet usage have become one of the most significant milestones of modern times. It has spread to all corners of the world, becoming the fastest-growing medium that is indispensable in virtually all our daily activities. Due to its everyday use, we have decided to explore the history of its inception, development, as well as the services and applications of the Internet in modern times. It has experienced tremendous growth, with the number of users increasing day by day. As of April 2023, there were 5.44 billion Internet users worldwide, representing 67.1% of the global population. With its continuous expansion, the Internet has become an essential part of modern society, transforming the way we work, connect, and live.
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