Editorial and Peer Review Policy

Editorial policy

The core editorial policy refers to the following:

  • We invite authors to publish contributions which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The journal promotes interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary contributions and international co-authorship.
  • We are striving for rapid review and publication process.
  • There are no submission charges for publication in the Journal of Innovative Business and Management.
  • We publish contributions in Slovenian and English languages; each contribution must have a summary in both languages.

The MIP=JIBM is published twice a year. Normally the first publication appears at the end of June  and the second one in November of the same year.

Double blind peer review

ll articles are double blind reviewed. Internationally renowned experts from the academic, research and business world are involved in the process of anonymous double blind reviews mostly as a members of the advisory international editorial board. The purpose of this is not to make it impossible for publishers to possibly not fulfill the missions of the MIP=JIBM, but to offer authors an opportunity to improve their texts using anonymous reviews in accordance with the best academic and research standards. 

After editors find that the received contribution follows the journal’s aim and scope and is appropriate for review, the manuscript is sent to two independent reviewers for a blind peer review. The reviewers are not institutionally affiliated with the author of the article submitted for publication.

The primary role of peer reviewes is to help the contributors reach a level of quality that is publishable, not to find reason to reject the selection. Reviewers are free to choose among all options: from full acceptance, over suggesting or requiring changes up to rejection. Changes suggested by the reviewers may be subject to discussion with the authors, thus giving free forum for scientific and/or professional arguments. The blind peer review process normally takes between three and five weeks.

All communication between authors and reviewers conducte anonymously by providing one of the editors via the OJS.

Peer reviews are not paid for.