Vol 16 No 2 (2024)
Dear readers
The new issue of the Scientific Journal of Innovative Business and Management - Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje represents a significant contribution to the research and discussion of innovative business practices and interdisciplinary approaches to solving contemporary challenges.
This edition includes four scientific articles, three review articles, two professional articles, and one case study. The published content offers a comprehensive overview of the addressed topics and provides interdisciplinary insights that enable the development of new approaches and activities for various stakeholders. The content is tailored to address specific challenges and needs in individual thematic areas, offering practical solutions for further development.
Prof. Gregor Jagodič, Ph.D.
Vol 15 No 2 (2023)
Dear readers of the Journal of Innovative Business and Management
We are presenting you with the November volume of the JIBM, meaning second volume of 2023. Again, we hope you will find enough interesting reading for your field of study and research. We are glad that in this volume we could include case studies. Although this art of publication has been part of our mission, it was not easy to find the authors whose works would correspond to the quality level we wish to maintain. Representing study case of company and due to their volume, we together with the author agrees to publish them in four separate units. Other contributions typically refer to the field that DOBA Business School is covering with its teaching and research. We also hope that the contributions in this volume will trigger other authors from universities, institutes and businesses in the region to present us with their research. Of course, we are also interested in attracting researchers from different fields covered by the JIBM to act as reviewers and are glad that some of the readers have already shown interest in joining the team.
Preparation of this volume required endeavors by the whole editorial team. However especially I would like to co-editor dr. Suzana Herman and technical editor Tatjana Gorjup Hlade. Last but not least let me thank also with the colleagues who acted as reviewers in this volume.
Prof. Rasto Ovin, Ph.D.
Vol 15 No 1 (2023)
Dear readers of the Journal of Innovative Business and Management, we are delighted to present to you the new June issue of the XVth volume.
We are pleased that the journal continues to support the important growth goals of DOBA Business School, an area that is increasingly significant to all of us. The dissemination of research findings is increasingly setting apart higher education institutions based on their success, making the contribution of the journal an excellent opportunity to join in the celebration of DOBA Business School's 20th anniversary and the achievements that we commemorate this year. On this occasion, the journal has become more open to contributions in the Slovene language, although English remains the primary language of the journal. It is also important to us that the journal reflects the profile of the faculty and its study programs. This orientation is evident in the articles in this issue, where we find contributions from the field of one of the faculty's fundamental profiles – marketing. Additionally, the issue covers areas such as education, new technologies, economic policy, innovation, and banking. We also feature student contributions that specifically focus on the experiences of the younger generation in the fields of behavior and technology. The creation and publication of this issue have been greatly supported by the editorial board members, Dr. Suzana Herman and Technical Editor Tatjana Gorjup Hlade.
Prof. Dr. Rasto Ovin
Vol 14 No 1 (2022)
Dear friends and readers of the Journal of Innovative Business and Management
On the journal's website you can as from today find the articles of the journal's June 2022 number. We decided to bring the contributions which made it through the review process on time immediately. Others still in process will complete the number when ready.
In this number we have been lucky to gather all possible forms of contributions. So here you will find scientific articles, professional articles, case study and interview with another internationally important personality connected with the journal. For the first time in the journal we are also including editorial, bringing the view of an internationally established researcher. You will find also articles prepared with the cooperation with students: we are especially proud that we could bring the first article prepared completely by one of our doctoral student.
This number was possible through anbother great personal engagement of the editor Suzana Herman. We both thank to Tatjana Gorjup Hlede for technical assistance with preparing of this issue.
Prof. Rasto Ovin Ph.D.
Editor in chief -
Vol 13 No 2 (2021)
Dear readers,
Welcome to November 2021 issue of Journal of Innovative Business and Management. It would not be correct if we did not mention problems that we faced with prolonged pandemics and restructuring of editorship. However, thanks to of our new Deputy Editor-in-Chief Sen. Lect. Suzana Herman, Ms. and authors, the latest edition is here, it is complete and, first of all, it corresponds to the JIBM standards. Special thanks also goes to the DOBA Business School librarian Tatjana Gorjup Hlade, who made completion of November 2021 issue of JIBM possible.
I wish you enjoyable reading. We would also like to use this opportunity to invite you to submit your papers that you consider ready for publication.
Best regards,
Prof. Rasto Ovin, Ph.D. -
June 2021
Vol 13 No 1 (2021)Dear JIBM readers and authors,
We are glad to present you with our first issue of the JIBM in 2021 thus starting its 13th volume. We hope that the articles it brings, will attract your professional and research interest. At the same time, we thank authors of this number for your patience as due to the change in the journal’s management certain communication in last months was not always smooth.
After his essential contribution to the journal Pedja Ašanin Gole has left the editorial position and has been replaced with another experienced editor – so the editorial board of the JIBM is happy to announce that from June 2021 Zvezdana Strmšek has joined the team.
The Journal of Innovative Business and Management will persist on its path to developing of its quality standards. This is our responsibility towards our authors, readers and last but not last to the DOBA Business School, which has been issuing this journal. Here we will especially urge the authors to exactly keep the guidelines from the journal’s website. In this way you will not only give your contribution to smooth reviewing and publishing process but will also shorten the time in which your articles are processed.Enjoy this issue and best regards,
The editorial team of the JIBM -
November 2020
Vol 12 No 2 (2020)Dear Readers of the November issue of the Journal of Innovative Business and Management,
On the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of its publication, this autumn issue marked the end of two years of publishing the renewed Journal of Innovative Business and Management (MIP=JIBM). We switched to the OJS platform for managing the journal, expanded the circle of reviewers outside the membership of the International advisory and editorial board, and expanded the individual issue of the journal from 5-6 papers to ten papers. We are grateful to the authors from the international academic community and also to the Slovenian authors for your interest in publishing your original research findings in our journal. It is because of you that we can justifiably expect that next year we will have even better opportunities to further improve our connection with internationally important indexed bibliographic databases. However, it seems that this future has already begun, as the present journal was also included in the list of the American international scientific indexing database SIS a week before the publication of this issue. Any such improvement gives our journal and, of course, the contributions of its authors additional weight in the international community. So - thank you for your contributions, we look forward to new ones as well.
Prof. Dr. Rasto Ovin, Managing Editor od the MIP=JIBM
20 Years of Online Study in DOBA and Slovenia
Vol 11 No 3 (2019)20 Years of Online Study in DOBA and Slovenia: A Special Thematic Issue of Online Studies